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YUSH Electronic
LED Depaneling Machine Manufacturers Share Nobel Laureate to the new direction of the LED business for 10 years, will replace the LED lighting Laser
   With excess capacity, increased competition, many companies entered the country LED Development bottles. June 25, LED lighting as a benchmark figure, 2014 Nobel Prize winner Shuji Nakamura attended the 2016 China Chengdu Global Innovation Venture Fair, in an interview, his words may China LED lighting business prospects. Shuji Nakamura boldly predicted that over the next decade, laser lighting will replace LED lighting.

   Shuji Nakamura is not only the winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has also been hailed as the "Edison of the 21st century."

    Shuji Nakamura is currently being studied by the laser light, Shuji Nakamura, Japan 25 interview with the media said that after 2016, China Chengdu Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair World Forum on the future of science and technology, the next 10 years, laser lighting will replace LED lighting.

    It is understood that the efficiency of the laser light is thousands of times the LED, not only to increase the projection distance, improve security, while smaller and more compact. In addition to lighting, laser show in many areas projectors, digital cinema, television, stage lights, large-screen display, cars, etc., you will have a broader application. Shuji Nakamura believes that "a laser light, the illumination area 100 square meters is no problem." But now the price is too high because the laser, the application rate is not high, but the future is a big trend.

    When talking about China LED enterprises in recent years and even closures forced transition issues, Shuji Nakamura believes that many Chinese LED enterprises homogenization serious lack of competitive edge, "as China's iron and steel enterprises, overcapacity on It will lead to lower prices, free competition in the market, the natural formation of elimination mechanism.


     YUSH Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd is best PCB Depaneling Machine, PCB Depanelizer and PCB Separator supplier, we has good quality products & service from China

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                          LED Depaneling Machine Manufacturers Share Nobel Laureate to the new direction of the LED business for 10 years, will replace the LED lighting Laser

                             With excess capacity, increased competition, many companies entered the country LED Development bottles. June 25, LED lighting as a benchmark figure, 2014 Nobel Prize winner Shuji Nakamura attended the 2016 China Chengdu Global Innovation Venture Fair, in an interview, his words may China LED lighting business prospects. Shuji Nakamura boldly predicted that over the next decade, laser lighting will replace LED lighting.

                             Shuji Nakamura is not only the winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has also been hailed as the "Edison of the 21st century."

                              Shuji Nakamura is currently being studied by the laser light, Shuji Nakamura, Japan 25 interview with the media said that after 2016, China Chengdu Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair World Forum on the future of science and technology, the next 10 years, laser lighting will replace LED lighting.

                              It is understood that the efficiency of the laser light is thousands of times the LED, not only to increase the projection distance, improve security, while smaller and more compact. In addition to lighting, laser show in many areas projectors, digital cinema, television, stage lights, large-screen display, cars, etc., you will have a broader application. Shuji Nakamura believes that "a laser light, the illumination area 100 square meters is no problem." But now the price is too high because the laser, the application rate is not high, but the future is a big trend.

                              When talking about China LED enterprises in recent years and even closures forced transition issues, Shuji Nakamura believes that many Chinese LED enterprises homogenization serious lack of competitive edge, "as China's iron and steel enterprises, overcapacity on It will lead to lower prices, free competition in the market, the natural formation of elimination mechanism.


                               YUSH Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd is best PCB Depaneling Machine, PCB Depanelizer and PCB Separator supplier, we has good quality products & service from China

                          蘇州市宇順力電子有限公司 版權所有 @ Copyright 2015 聯系人:劉小姐 地址:蘇州市昆山金陽東路1068號廠房, 蘇州市宇順力國內專業生產切割機,pcb切割機供應,FPC切割機,全自動切割機,沖床切割機,FR4切割機,多刀切割機,v cut 切割機,曲線切割機,切割機圖片,燈條板切割機 《中華人民共和國電信與信息服務業務經營許可證》編號:蘇ICP備14049770號-6
                          走刀式切割機郵箱:[email protected]
                          蘇州市宇順力電子有限公司 版權所有 @ Copyright 2015 聯系人:劉小姐 地址:蘇州市昆山金陽東路1068號廠房, 蘇州市宇順力國內專業生產切割機,pcb切割機供應,FPC切割機,全自動切割機,沖床切割機,FR4切割機,多刀切割機,v cut 切割機,曲線切割機,切割機圖片,燈條板切割機 《中華人民共和國電信與信息服務業務經營許可證》編號:蘇ICP備14049770號-6

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